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Weekly News Roundup: 12th - 16th April

Writer's picture: Indy GoodwinIndy Goodwin

Am I covering less days? Sure. Does this mean I'm more likely to finish on time and remember to post this? Absolutely. #DisabledLifeHack

ANYWAY less about the tenuous state of my mental health and more about gaming news. Take a look.

Team Fortress 2 Still Has A Bug Problem

And this isn't one the exterminator can fix. Despite efforts last year to curb the amount of bots in public matches, they are still there, causing a nuisance with racist usernames and spamming loud noises in voice chat. Recently they've been found to be advertising bot immunity deals - where a player pays to get bots to leave them alone - and, horrifyingly, providing links to child sexual abuse images. I really hope Valve take decisive action soon, the annoyance to players is bad enough but child porn?! Maybe best to steer clear until the pests are cleared out.

Activision to Ban Hardware in Anti-Cheat Move

When your console players disable crossplay to avoid PC cheaters, you know you have to do something. The Call of Duty Warzone dev has done just that. Rather than just banning accounts - which is largely ineffective as cheaters can just create a new one - repeat or serial cheaters can face a hardware ban. It's just not worth it lads.

CD Projekt Red will Go Down With the Cyberpunk Ship

After a fairly disastrous launch, the game being removed from the PS store and several class action suits levelled at the Polish developer, I wouldn't have blamed them for shelving the game and moving on. However, CDPR have come out this week saying they are going to work to make it a game they can be proud of, a game that will still sell years down the line. I believe they can do it, and the bug fixes are helping tremendously to improve the game. I'm choosing to have hope on this one.

Pokémon Go does Snap!

With the imminent launch of Pokémon Snap on the Switch, Go is offering the chance to find a shiny Smeargle when you take photographs of your Pokémon. This event is only on for a limited time - from the 29th of April to the 2nd of May - so best get snapping.

Outriders continues to fight its fires

These poor guys just don't seem to be getting a break! After matchmaking issues at launch, players were then faces with an inventory wiping bug. This cost some players hours of play. They have patched out the issue and are working on the restoring items, but I sure hope that the road is a lil smoother for them.

Elder Scrolls Online Shakes Up Loot Boxes

With countries all over the world considering banning the purchase of loot boxes, it makes good sense to find alternatives. ESO has decided to allow purchase of loot box items without real money. Completing daily quests - known as Endeavours in game - you can earn Seals of Endeavour which can be redeemed for items present in their loot boxes known as Crown Crates. I like this, it actually rewards players for playing the game and stops predatory gambling practices. This will be available in game from mid June. Time to dust off the ol' ESO account.

Free Games

Epic Store

Deponia: The Complete Journey is available on the Epic Store for 0 of your British pounds. Clicky the image below for a link.

Hiya! Did you enjoy this article? I maintain this website for free but I can always use some extra pennies to help keep the lights on. If you're feeling generous, I have a KoFi account and I always welcome donations. Love from Indy xxx

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